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Office Cleaning

Our team of cleaners are the major operation arm of our office cleaning division, providing our clients with daily office cleaning. The growing partnerships using this diligent team include banks, lawyers, advertising and estate agencies, commercial operators. CT Services Group Ltd provide all necessary cleaning equipment so there is one less thing for companies to worry about.

At very competitive prices, CT Services can supply variety of supplies to be, delivered straight to your office (bin liners, disposable paper products, dishwasher liquid, refuse bags, toilet rolls, washing up liquid). Additionally, CT Services Group Ltd are able to offer a range of teas; full range of coffees; other drinks - We cater to all tastes and requirements, to enquire, simply telephone our office to place an order with us.

I would like to let you know that the cleaner is doing a really good job. She’s a lovely, diligent and hard-working lady and certainly a real asset to your organisation.
New Medica, Elephant and Castle